All About Dark Sam
- Do you like blue cheese? Yes, it's good.
- Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Yes and now I would like another one.
- Do you own a gun? No.
- What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? I like Sonic but I don't understand this question.
- Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No. But there was this one commercial where someone said “I'm so scared of the dentist. Not the drill, the bill.”
- Do you like hot-dogs? I've been vegetarian for 10 years, but a veggie dog (or carrot dog) slaps. I love kraut and relish.
- What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee
- Can you do push-ups? I have no clue why I would, that sounds bad, but I can.
- What’s your favorite meal? I don't know, everything is good.
- What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I have some earrings that are shaped like lemons.
- Favorite hobby? I like to code and to read, and I like playing with synthesizers.
- Do you work with people who idolize you? lol
- Name a trait that you hate about yourself? I hate it all!
- Middle name? lol
- Name 3 thoughts at this moment: Coffee tastes good, wish I had more pages on my website, it's summer and I wish school was back in session.
- Name 3 things you bought yesterday: White Claws, Juul pods, and a chocolate.. lol
- Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Coffee, wine (used to be only red, but have discovered bubbly rosé), vodka
- Current worry right now? Haven't called my parents in a few days.
- Current hate right now? I hate everything!!!
- Favorite place to be? School.
- How did you bring in New Years? I don't remember… hopefully that means it was good
- Favorite place to go? Is this a repeat question
- What is your most recurring dream? I love dreams but recurrence doesn't happen to me too much. A motif I've noticed is running from something and I fall down.
- Introvert or extrovert? In the sense of “turning” (“-version”) I don't believe in these — I'm not turned inside or outside. But I code as “shy.”
- What color shirt are you wearing? Black
- Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I don't know, you tell me…
- Can you whistle? Yes.
- Favorite color? Millenial pink. lol
- Would you be a pirate? no
- What songs do you sing in the shower? “Blue Prelude” — but I'm not a shower singer.
- Favorite girl’s name? X Æ A-Xii
- Favorite boy’s name? X Æ A-Xii
- Who is your loudest friend? ▪▪▪▪▪
- What’s in your pocket right now? I take things out of my pockets when I sit down, as every civilized person should.
- Last thing that made you laugh?

- Bed sheets as a child? I don't remember
- Worst injury you’ve ever had? I put beans far up my nose as a child — so the story goes…
- Do you love where you live? I think so
- How many TVs are in your house? After years of being TV-free, there is now one. It started getting too weird to do work, school, and TV on one device during COVID.
- What is your worst habit? Imagining my life being different.
- How many dogs do you have? Ew, none
- Does someone have a crush on you? I don't think so.
- Do you own slippers? I do but I never wear them.
- What is your favorite book? I don't have a favorite. If I had to desert-island book right now, I'd take Jacques Lacan's écrits.
- What is your favorite candy? There's this caramel I like but I don't know what the brand is.
- What is your favorite sports team? I don't know.
- What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't want a funeral.
- What were you doing at 12 AM last night? I was either drunk watching House of Games (amazing) or already asleep.
- What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Wish I was dead lol